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Look here for videos of past programs and related content

  Leadership in Turbulent Political Times

 A presentation made by LeaderEthics Executive Director to the Wisconsin Center for      Performance Excellence, the Minnesota Performance Excellence Network and the Iowa Quality  Center.

Vimeo Link

Artificial Intelligence...Political Issues in November 2024 and Beyond

MIles Taylor, former Chief of Staff in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, addressed issues surrounded the dramatic increased use and availability of artificial intelligence, including the implications on the November 2024 election. YouTube Link

Corporate Political Responsibility...a Concept for Today's Political Times

Elizabeth Doty, of the Erb Institute's Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce and Austin Ramirez, CEO of Husco Corporation share their insight in navigating today's political environment with focus on goals and corporate values. Richard Kyte,Director of the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership, moderated the conversation. YouTube link

Navigating 2024 and the Announcement of the  2024 LeaderEthics Award

 LeaderEthics Executive Director and Board President, Rusty Cunningham, hold  a conversation about the organization's plans to advance ethical leadership and  electoral reform in a  challenging election year.

                                             YouTube Link

Free speech and Civility on College Campuses 

Professor Tim Shiell, a recognized authority on the topic of free speech and civility on college campuses discusses the current state of the issues in Wisconsin and elsewhere. Sam Scinta serves as the progrsm moderator.

YouTube Link

The Case for Electoral Reform...a Veterans Perspective

 Eric Bronner and Joshua Wilson of Veterans for All Voters are interviewed by Rusty Cunningham regarding the  problems with our current electoral process...from the views of  military veterans. This is a compelling  conversation, reflecting the growing call to action  rom military veterans across the country.

View the program on YouTube

 Elections in Wisconsin

 The most recent Marquette poll showed that one in three Wisconsinites doubt the outcome  of the  2020 election.  Meanwhile, Wisconsin (a battleground state) faces a high stakes  election in 2024.  The election process in  Wisconsin clearly will be on center stage. An  cexpert panel...Kathy Bernier,  Meagan Wolfe, Mike Huebsch,  Ginny Dankmeyer and Nikki the election process in  Wisconsin. They focus on safeguards and  practices  to ensure election integrity.

 To view the video, go to the LeaderEthics YouTube channel. Note: the program starts at the   approximately the 15:00 mark.

 A Conversation About Steps in Countering Hatred

 Sam Scinta leads a conversation with Masood Ahktar and Arno Michaelis, and they share  their  journey to  proactive leaders in countering hatred. Viewer have rated this as one of  the top  programs  offered by  LeaderEthics.

 View the program on YouTube

 Election Integrity in Wisconsin

 Former Editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, John Smalley, has a detailed conversation with two  leaders on  the subject of election integrity in Wisconsin. 

 Kathy Bernier - former State Senator, former State Assembly Representative, former Elections                                                     Clerk and  current State Director of Keep Our Republic - Wisconsin

                                              Samantha Buckley: National Policy Leader, Secure Democracy USA

                                              Link: YouTube

 A Conversation with Ron Kind

 In a conversation with the former Editor of the La Crosse Tribune, Rusty Cunningham, Ron Kind  reviews his 26 year  career as  a member of  the U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District in  Wisconsin.

 Link: YouTube

Elections 101 - Elections Overview

This 7 minute video provides an overview of elections in Wisconsin. Follow Carmen on the's fun! The four Elections 101 videos were produced by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association and the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Elections Overview

Nuts and Bolts

Carmen takes you along to learn just how the election process works in Wisconsin - 6 minute video

Nuts and Bolts of Voting in Wisconsin

Election Security and Integrity

This 6 minute video provides an overview of the steps taken to ensure election security and integrity...the information may surprise you!

Election Security and Integrity

A Day at the Polls

Join Carmen as she spends a day at the polls in this 4:30 minute video.

A Day At The Polls

   A Dialogue about Ethical Leadership with Brad Pfaff and    Richard Kyte

  A better way to learn about the values and beliefs of candidates.

                                                 Dialogue Regarding Ethical Leadership

        Bridging the Political engaging presentation by Bill                          Doherty, co-founder of Braver Angels.

                                    Bridging the Political Divide...Bill Doherty

A Conversation about Meaningful Steps toward Campaign Finance Reform

Video Link

2022 LeaderEthics Award Recipients: Brian Rude & Jill Billings

Gerrymandering Trends and the Future of the American Democracy: Adam Podowitz-Thomas & Sam Scinta

Video Link

Community Effort to Counter Information Disorder 

Local media and community leaders provide testimonial support for collaboration to  counter  the effects  of disinformation on the local community.

Video Link

County Leadership During Politically Divided Times

A video of the full October 20, 2021 program featuring John Smalley, Josh  Schoemann and  Steve O'Malley.

Link: County Leadership During Politically Divided Times

Final-Five Voting in Open Dialogue

A video of the full September 29, 2021 program featuring Katherine Gehl. James  Schmidt, Senator Jeff Smith, Mike DeRosa and Geoffrey Peterson.

Link: Final-Five Voting in Open Dialogue

Final-Five Voting in Wisconsin

Link: Katherine Gehl Video Clip (2:39 minutes)

Message from Russ Feingold on Ethical Leadership

Link: Russ Feingold Video Clip - 2.22 minutes

The Vote Safe Project

In September 2020, Panelists JB Van Hollen, Josh Kaul, Reid Magney and Ginny Dankmeyer discuss safe and secure voting during the pandemic.

-Video available on the LeaderEthics-Wisconsin Facebook page

Final Five Voting in Wisconsin

Link: Gehl-Cunningham Event

Rep. Steve Doyle and former Rep. Lee Nerison are selected as the 2021 LeaderEthics Award recipients

WKBT - LeaderEthics Award Recipients

Ethical Leadership...Pathways Forward

Link to Annual Meeting 

Bipartisanship: The Challenges and  Opportunities...a  Candid Discussion

A video presentation featuring Congressman Ron  Kind and La Crosse Tribune Executive Editor Bob Heisse. February 23, 2021 

Kind/Heisse Video Link

A Conversation About Ethical Leadership in Today's Environment - Russ Feingold

September 2, 2020 video presentation to LeaderEthics-Wisconsin members and guests by Russ Feingold

Link to Russ feingold Presentation

Actions to Promote Ethical Leadership

The first step is to establish our expectations. On July 15, 2020, a virtual member poll was conducted. The results were presented to our panel who provided their response. The panel members (left to right) are: Catherine Kolkmeier, Joe Heim and Jill Grennan. 

Video Link

Ethical Leadership During Crisis: Leadership in Higher Education

The June 23, 2020 LeaderEthics-Wisconsin La Crosse chapter event featuring Dr. Jeff Rafn, President of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, plus the C-SPAN award-winning video by Trevor Connaher.

Jeff Rafn Audio: Audio Link

C-SPAN Video: Trevor Connaher Video

Ethical Leaders During Crisis: Helping Our Neighbors, Helping Our Communities

The April 28, 2020 LeaderEthics-Wisconsin chapter event featuring Tom Thibodeau and an organization update by Lee Rasch

Video Link

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